Newsletter 22.7
Beat the heat with OW!
Next Pioneer pick, TV recs, and congrats to UnderWorlds award winners!
Newsletter 22.5
Tomorrow! DESTINATION MOON with special guests
Plus, come visit our friends at IndieMeme FF this weekend!
The Incredible Monster Woman Watches a Film
At every point, Scott’s threat is a woman or something that represents women. I see you, Scott.
Newsletter 22.3
Introducing a Screenplay Contest for young-uns!
Plus, the next Pioneer Club film and a special SXSW recommendation!
Newsletter 22.1
Some upcoming film events to beat the winter blues…
Plus, the winners of 2021’s Screenplay Contest!
Shrinking Men
In the 70-odd years of time that has passed since the release of these films, many revolutions have de-centered the white male in American society, but nothing has made men literally shrink in size nor women grow to the height of a five story building.
Fears, Anxieties, And the depression
Our plan is to continue showing the films of the past and examining them in the modern context. Not every film ages well and that’s a part of the exploration as well…what does an older film mean to today’s world? What can we excavate?